Our Story
What We Do
Farmer’s Market Wellness™ supplies the very best health, wellness and CBD products on the market. We started with a singular mission – to provide people everywhere with access to the highest quality wellness and CBD products available. First, we source healthy, cutting-edge wellness products and therapeutics. We then independently investigate these products for efficacy & safety. We identify only “best in class” product offerings that we would use to treat our own family members if needed. Then we partner with the manufacturers of those wellness and CBD products to help expand product reach, thereby ensuring that patients, family members, caregivers, and health care providers everywhere can access the very best products on the market.
*Our wellness and CBD suppliers source the highest quality ingredients available worldwide. A few of them even take pictures while on their travels! If you’re a fan of breathtaking photography, check out our photo gallery below.
“Everyone deserves affordable and continuous access to all treatment options available, and they have a right to know that the wellness and CBD products they’ve chosen are safe.”
– Gregg C
Founder & President of FarmersMarketWellness.com™
Farmer’s Market Wellness™ knows that unfortunately, we don’t stay in perfect health forever. As a result, the quality of everyone’s lives changes throughout the years. Sometimes the changes are expected, sometimes they’re a complete shock, and sometimes they can even be frightening. Each of us deserves support, compassion, the best and latest information available, and the right to choose which therapeutics, pharmaceutical drugs, or treatment options we’ll utilize, versus which products and treatment options we’d like to avoid. From this fundamental belief, Farmer’s Market Wellness™ was born.

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