The Farmhouse Press

Supplements for Pet Wellness – America’s Healthy Obsession

Supplements for Pet Wellness – America’s Healthy Obsession

For nearly 30 years, there’s been a continuing trend towards understanding wellness as a primary contributing factor in overall health, happiness, and quality of life. It comes as no surprise that in addition to seeking these desired wellness outcomes for ourselves and our (human) loved ones, we’ve simultaneously been seeking these outcomes with greater frequency, for our pets as well.

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Benefits of Elderberry

Benefits of Elderberry

In their natural state, elderberries are dark purple, (almost black), looking berries that come from the European Elder tree, (sambucus nigra). Wild Elderberry or sambucus canadensis, is a flowering plant whose flowers are cream or off-white in color. If left alone, Wild Elderberry can grow to heights of 8 – 10 feet.

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